Student Profile: Cassidy Bailey


From growing up Canadian to becoming a Texan, Cassidy has always had to adapt to new situations. 

She’s currently a junior at Texas State majoring in International Business with a strong interest in ethics. Cassidy is a first generation college student, which she says is useful in some ways. She never had expectations from her family for her college experience to look a certain way. 


Now full of passion and drive, Cassidy is the founding president of EIG where she works with mentors on entrepreneurial projects. She’s also a Resident Assistant, which has come with it’s own set of difficulties due to COVID-19.

Working in a dorm of students, Cassidy had to find new ways for them to get together. Movie nights became individual watch parties and lounge hangouts turned into Zoom check-ins.

After Cassidy graduates, she hopes to either work in marketing for a non-profit or become an ethics enforcer for companies working in less developed countries. 

“I’m really interested in business ethics that promote cultural sustainability,” Cassidy said.

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