Student Spotlight: Aili Ortega

As an avid music lover, Aili Ortega has been to multiple performances and tours throughout her life. After having been on the attendee side of a concert barricade a myriad of times, Aili decided to major in Marketing with the goal of getting to plan and coordinate music festivals full-time.

A San Antonio local, Aili originally chose to attend Texas State University in 2021 due to the proximity to her family. However, after her three years at the college, she has come to find a deep appreciation for being a Bobcat and feels empowered at Texas State.

“You're not a little fish in a big pond,” Aili said. “You're a person that actually can make a big impact at Texas State.”

Aili is not ready to leave San Marcos just yet. She was accepted into the Master’s Program for Marketing Research and Analysis, as it serves to be a combination of her many skills. Aili has a head for numbers, loves being creative, and will be one the first in her family to enroll in a post-baccalaureate program.

“It shows different fragments of who I am as a person because I am creative and also I love math and I love anything that has to do with research and like writing anything,” Aili said “So that is why I chose marketing.”

Currently, Aili stays busy as President of the Student Association of Campus Activities (SACA), the Vice President of External Affairs for McCoy Ambassadors, and as a Sales Ambassador for the McCoy College of Business.

“My biggest accomplishment here at Texas State University has to be getting the president role at SACA,” All said. “I've always liked to have a love for events.”

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