Student Profile: Hanna Hurd

Q&A with Hanna Hurd

Hanna Hurd is one of our 2021 Stelos Leaders Scholarship recipients! Hanna is from Mckinney, Texas and recently graduated from Texas State with a BFA in film production. Since graduation in May, she’s been pursuing a job in the film industry and plans to move to LA.

  1. What does receiving the award mean to you?

    Hanna : “First of all, it feels very nice. It feels like I’m being recognized for the hard work I put into my college career.”

  2. What will the money help you do?

    Hanna : “Pursuing film has been a dream for a really long time. I’m moving to LA, and it’s a very expensive city so the money will help with that.”

  3. What inspires you to be a leader and excel?

    Hanna : “As a person, I like to have control and to contribute. People and things that inspire me to do that usually have to do with art. Filmmakers inspire me to lead. Women inspire me, they’re very powerful. Maybe someday, people will see me that way and I can inspire others as well.”

  4. What makes a good leader?

    Hanna : “Communication. We really don’t realize how much communication plays a role in our lives. Patient, accurate communication is important.”

  5. What makes you come alive?

    Hanna : “I’ve been on this film set, and I find myself tearing up and I’m so happy to be there. I had to make so many choices that put me in this position, and I’m so thankful.”

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