Student Profile: Chris Lee


Going into Texas State as a marketing major, Chris didn’t expect to accept a job working as a Focus Missionary in Mississippi. He wanted to drop out and join a punk rock band up until his senior year when his future became clear.

During his time at Texas State, Chris converted to Catholicism and got very involved in YoungLife, Focus, and AMA. He decided to stay with Focus and become a missionary for college students, which involves fundraising his entire salary.

Chris took Bill Poston’s leadership seminar during college, which helped give him life skills essential to his job. He keeps a sticky note on his computer to remind him to ask questions and listen to people in order to understand them.

He loves the Maya Angelou quote that Poston brings into class often. “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel”

Now along with 600 other focus missionaries across the country, Chris is a leader in his job and wants to stay with the company in the future. Plus, he said his marketing degree came in handy because it taught him to create a sales pitch to convert students to Catholicism.

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