Bobcat Bucket List #16

Bobcat Bucket List #16 : Find a Blind Salamander (and put it back!)

Image source Wikipedia

Image source Wikipedia

If you’re lucky enough to spot one, snap some photos but be careful to leave it where it is! The Texas Blind Salamander is an endangered species only found in Hays County.

You won’t see Blind Salamanders sun bathing on bikini hill or swimming down the river. These amphibians live in underground water caves in complete darkness, which is why they have no need for sight. They look similar to an axolotl with their bright red gills and pale skin, and they have a similar diet of snails and shrimp.

Because of water pollution, Texas Blind Salamanders are likely to go extinct unless we work hard to keep the springs clean. Make sure to leave no trace when you visit so we can keep these rare creatures alive!

Image source Texas Parks & Wildlife

Image source Texas Parks & Wildlife

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