Bobcat Bucket List #7

Bobcat Bucket List #7 : Learn the Alma Mater

You may have heard the Texas State Alma Mater sung at the end of sporting events, but you probably don’t know it by heart.

Unlike many Alma Maters, this one paints a picture of the nature of San Marcos. There’s a long version of it, but we’re going to teach you the shorter and commonly used version.

“O, Alma Mater, set upon the green hills,

With turrets pointing upward to the sky,

We yield to thee our love and our devotion;

Mother of hopes and aspirations high.


Thy spirit urges us to deeds of valor,

Raising the fallen, cheering the oppressed;

Thy call will echo clearly down the ages,

Dear Alma Mater, mother loved and blessed.”

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