Bags n brag
cornhole tournament
WHEN: October 22nd (Texas State Homecoming) 11am-3pm
WHERE: Student Tailgate Section at Texas State
WHY: Win $350 for 1st place, $150 for 2nd, $50 for 3rd
Register by Friday, October 14th to get your two t-shirts sizes in. Registration after this date is first come, first serve!
Join us for our inaugural Cornhole Tournament to support Stelos Alliance Scholars! The tournament will take place prior to the Homecoming Game in the student tailgate area. Pre-registration is recommended, but you can play by walking up to our tent from 11am-3pm.
Preliminary games will be played between 11am-3pm. The top two teams from each hour of play will advance into the finals at 3pm, and the winners will be awarded at 3:30pm.
You can register individually or with an organization. Organizations can enter as many teams as they would like. Team (2 players) entry fee of $20 and includes 2 t-shirts! If you register after October 14th, t-shirts are first come first serve and sizes limited. There will be no refunds, however you can change players at any time. Registered shirt sizes may not be changed.
Why Play?
Bragging rights for one and cold hard cash and trophy for another. Prize money is $350 1st place, $150 2nd place and $50 3rd place.
Proceeds from Bags n’ Brag benefit the Stelos Alliance, a non-profit that awards scholarships to extraordinary student leaders.